BiomicAgritech grows trellised vegetables
downward on rotatable tubes
eliminates the need of trellising,
leaning & lowering.
Our vision is
Fully Robotic Greenhouse

The Need
Trellised vegetables plant like tomatoes, cucumbers, has no strength to grow upward, so the grower ties the plant to vertical wires. This proccess is called Trellising.
The plant can reach a length of 15 meters and more, so after harvesting, the plant is lowered and the stem is leaned.
The labor of preparation, trellising, leaning & lowering is more than 40% of the labor consumption in greenhouses.
What is trellising
What is leaning & lowering
The Method
Growing top down from ratatable tubes
Trellising is done by Gravity

Leaning & lowering is replaced by wrapping the stems on the tube, by rotating the tubes at a push of a button.
7 Months of growing tomatoes in 2 minutes
3 Months of growing cucumbers in 2 minutes
Rotating the tubes instead of Leaning & lowering
Saves tons of labor
BiomicAgritech Advantages
Less labor
• Trellising is done by gravity
• Leaning & Lowering is replaced by tubes rotation, at a push of a button
Productivity increase
• Less stem junction damage
• Less viruses infection due to less human touch
• No plastic wires and accessories parts for trellising and for leaning & lowering
• Pure organic material after uprooting the plants
• Ideal solution for vertical and urban agriculture
• Tube rotation app controlled
• Easier robotic fruit picking
• Clean floor used for coveyors
• Paves the way to a fully robotic greenhouse
ROI (Return Of Investment)
• In less than 4 years due to labor save only
With BiomicAgritech - no need in preparations for trellising
With BiomicAgritech - planting is easier (not bended)
With BiomicAgritech - trellising is eliminated
With BiomicAgritech - harvesting is easier
BiomicAgritech Helps Sustainability
By BiomicAgritech - No plastic wires and accessories for trellising and for leaning

With BiomicAgritech - no Stem junction damage
Traditional cultivation
With our system
no damage
Traditional cultivation

The Vision - Fully Robotic Greenhouse
Growing top down leaves a clean floor, which will be used for conveyors. The Harvested fruit will be conveyed to the packaging area, removed Leaves and suckers will be conveyed to composting area.

The whole greenhouse will be monitored by cameras, and robotic arms, running on cables from above, will do the harvesting and will remove leaves and suckers.

Many companies are working on robots for greenhouses, no one is working on robotic
trellising. So, we are the only one that can fulfill a fully robotic greenhouse.
BiomicAgritech Pitch
Contact BiomicAgritech
Dr. Eliezer Edelstein Ph.D Mechanical Eng, LL.B Law, MBA - Initiator
Ronit Edelstein Agronomist - CTO
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